Moving Forward...

The New Year has begun and my questions for you are, have you written your goals? Have you figured out what new steps you will be taken in 2016?

The key is to make decisions that will allow you to grow and move forward in your life. Move out of the pass, which should have been a lesson learned. Into the present, which is a gift. Begin thinking of your future, which will be your motivation.

Let go of things that can no longer be fixed. Holding on is being brave, but moving on is what makes you strong.

Usually what holds us back is emotions for others. If that person that you care for doesn't appreciate your presence then let them appreciate your absence. Move forward and leave disappointment behind.

Don't waste your time looking back on what you don't have, move on, because life is not meant to be traveled backward. Memories take you back, dreams will takes you forward.

Your destiny is not determined by the number of times you fall, but by the number of times you rise up, dust yourself off and move forward.

"If you're strong enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello" by Paulo Coelho