A New Year!!!!

Some of us are happy to see the old year end and there are a lot of us who don't like a new year of unknown.

We need to embrace everyday and be grateful that you have a new beginning. Beginnings are hard to grasp but are necessary to grow. There are so many that didn't get to start over. To begin a new adventure in life is a blessing. We must always look forward to a new and better future.

To begin new means letting go of all the negativity, even if that are friends that don't add value to your life. We have the tendency to hold on because we are afraid to be alone. Being alone allows us to know and appreciate ourselves, to discover who we are and what we want.

Everyone doesn't appreciate your dream and therefore are unable or just unwilling to assist you with the steps you need to move forward. But that's OK because all you need is yourself confidence and approval.

STOP! and look back on the year that's pass and ask yourself did you utilize and benefit from the time you were given? Look at your accomplishments and be proud. When was the last time someone told you that they were proud of you? When was the last time your felt proud of yourself?

Go forward and list your dreams and goals for the new year and cross them off as you accomplish them and see if you can start making yourself proud.

Embrace the New Year with being positive, having hope, and staying happy. Follow your dreams and hopefully there will be someone in your life to help promote your dreams to continue to move forward.

Thank you all for following and reading my blogs of inspirations in 2016 and I hope to do you proud in the New Year, 2017.


   "A Journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." - a Chinese Proverb


Happy New Years :)