As we come to the end of "2017", like others years before, we need to take the time to remember our accomplishments, our disappointments and our future dreams.
We need to remember our accomplishments so that we can see what we have done for ourselves this year. These accomplishments are what fuels our energy to continue the good work and move forward. Our disappointments are to be looked at as lessons to be learned and things that we failed at should be embraced. Out of our failures come strength, new growth, new directions and new hope. Our future dreams are accomplishment we wish to happen in the future. Dreams that need to be worked on and given life to. Future dreams are in the early development stage that has to be given nourishment to grow. That must be constantly worked on in order to help it grow and move forward. It should never be something to give up on.
Also, looking at our life in "2017" Who would you say left a footprint on your heart and whose heart did you leave a footprint on? A footprint is something you did for someone else that you are remembered for.
Did you help someone stand tall for themselves and appreciate their accomplishments? Did you opened the heart of another person and help them realized what happiness is without pain? Did someone make you smile and laugh until it hurt? Did someone help you to find out what LOVE is? Take the time to remember the happiness throughout the year!
Let us all take a moment of this year that we are about to say goodbye to and look at what happy notes we came across in "2017". Take the time before we start a new adventure in a new year, let's not forget what made us cry and the pain we experienced in order to expose us to love and hope for the future.
Yes we made mistakes and we always will, but out of those mistakes we must look at what we have learned. A life without pain doesn't teach you to be grateful for the happiness. When we go through life trying not to fall and get hurt we forget how to live and love.
Stop! Look! and Learn what 365 days has done for you. Who made you smile more this year or just for a part of the year, who taught you to giggle at yourself, who opened you up to believe in yourself, who picked you up and brushed you off and found a gem in you. Life passes so quickly that sometime the only thing we remember is the pain and forget the joy that does come out of the pain.
As we reach the end of this year and hope we can carry over the happy days from this year just remember they are now memories to carry over into the new year. Once the new year begins so does new adventures which will turn into memories. So, at the end of "2018" we will have more memories to carry over.