The Listener.....

We all have something to say throughout our lifetime and we need to be heard. To discover someone that listens to you, without criticizing your thoughts is a delight.

The process of growing our thoughts and dreams are important and we grow them faster when we are able to express them to others. Expressing your thoughts to someone that actually takes the time to listen and guide you is a blessing.

A listener will allow you to express what you desire and will provide guidance and direction to you. A listener is a special type of person who will be there to help you focus and keep you on track.

A listener is that person that provides you with a shoulder to lean on and will help you up when you fall. We all need that person to trust our thoughts to and who will provide a helping hand, not a lecture. 

To lose the person that listens to you will make your world go deaf. No one to hear your dreams for the future.

We all know plenty of people that are willing to tell you what to do, give you their opinion and tell you when you are doing something wrong. A listener will provide you with productive suggestions and allows you to make your own decisions.

Listening is the ability to receive and interpret messages in the communication process.

Listening is an art to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood

So, let us all see if we can improve our listening skills and learn to listen better to others.