Words Matter...

How many of us have said things that we regret saying right after it is said? The truth seems to always comes out when one gets angry.

Many of us have told a little white lies to someone just not to hurt their feelings. But, what happens when they finally find out the truth? Your WORDS MATTER!

Your words sometimes can make or break a person's hope and dreams. Once the words are said, re-tracking is not an opinion.

Some words are said to comfort the hurt, to cover up feelings, to place shame, to help heal and even used to place blame. Words can build people up and destroy them also.

Words can make you smile, make you cry and even make you feel fantastic. Words can also be used to push people away.

We all need to think about what we say to others before those words leave our mouth. It is so easy for some of us to just spit out words, just to make ourselves feel better or fulfilled.

If you are a person of words, make sure you can stand by those words with no regrets because your words does matter.

We all have heard words that hurt or just hang over our heads. Believe it or not words have started wars with other countries.

Truth be told, words matter a lot, your words does have an effect others. So, before you speak it, review it.

  "People may hear your words, but they feel you attitude." authorJohn C. Maxwell




Human Strength

We all think of the word strength as being physically strong and having a strong body.

Have you ever thought of your mind having strength? Believing in your thoughts, hopes and dreams makes you strong. You as a human being standing strong in your abilities and not wavering, makes you strong.

 To be able to forgive people that wasn't sorry for things they have done or said to you takes a lot of strength.

Your belief in yourself keeps you strong. Your daily battle with your heart verses your head is a challenge, your choices in life are yours to make, right or wrong. Wrong decisions are ones we should learn from and right decisions are ones we should share and be proud of. As humans beings we make decisions on a daily basis and we don't know if they are right or wrong, but we stand on our strengths and beliefs.

Human strength is amazing, we don't have to build our muscles to prove we are strong, but we do have to build our minds constantly in order to remain strong mentally.

Speak strength to yourself and you will be strong, speak weakness and you will be weak and perish.

Look for hope, love, and compassion in everyone and that will show your strengths.

"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't." author Rikki Rogers






Life's Trophy...

Some of us go through life hoping to find that gold at the end of the rainbow, winning the lottery for instance is one pot we all wish we could cook in. Thinking that it is the trophy of life to have lots of money.

To my surprise the trophy of life is something much more important. You wonder what that trophy is, that trophy is you. You have won your way through life with your goodness, kindness and love. That trophy that you have earned as a great human being. 

It is a trophy that can't be denied or removed from your life. Your trophy spreads knowledge, hope, love and doesn't just sit on a shelf getting dusty.

Believe it or not this trophy of life that you so honorably earned came from hard work and appreciation of others and life.

You need to stop and look at what you have accomplished. Whether it is giving a hand up or praising someone for their good deeds, these are just a few trophies of life you should be very proud to display.

You are a person of integrity and you should wear your smile as one of your trophies of life.

We all present our trophies of life in different ways, but we all need to stop and see the trophies we have contributed to our life and others.

"I don't need the trophy or ribbon to remind me of my accomplishments or anything." written by Andrew Hoffman



Having Regrets...

Regret is being disappointed in something that HAS happened. The important word in this sentence is HAS, something that's happened in the past. There is a reason why certain things happen in our life, whether good or bad, it happens for a reason. These things are lessons to teach us to be better not bitter.

You never know what you have until you lose it and once you have lost it you can never get it back, so why spend your days regretting it. Don't regret what you lost, because you at least took a chance toward what you wanted and you have learned to move past it.

You should never regret something or someone that once made you smile in your life, because it was exactly what you needed at that time.

Time isn't promised to anyone, so you should always tell people how you feel because opportunities are lost in a blink of an eye but regrets can last a lifetime.

The worst regret you can have in life is not for doing the wrong things, but for doing the right things for the wrong people. Time Wasted!

Any regrets you may have should be lessons learned. Never regret anything that has happened in your life, if it cannot be changed, undone or forgotten look at it as a lesson learned and move on.

Never give up on something you really want. It can be difficult sometimes in life to wait, but it will be more difficult to regret that you didn't wait.

Regrets are nothing more than wasted thoughts and energy. So, it didn't work out this time for whatever reason, the deed is done move on to the next thing and hopefully this will be a lesson learned not to be repeated.

"Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow." author L. Ron Hubbard



A feeling of self assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities is the meaning of confidence. This is something that we are not born with but grows into daily. The secret is that we must massage it constantly.

Feeling confident with ourselves makes us feel strong and fearless. It makes our words more powerful because we speak with strength. 

Never underestimate our strengths or your weaknesses, what you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you. You need to believe in yourself.

How to be confident:

  • Don't compare yourself to others because your strengths and weaknesses are different.
  • Don't sweat the small things in life.  Trust in the fact that things would be different if you didn't exist.
  • Always try to present a positive attitude, constantly look for the good in others not just their faults.
  • Do what you love because life is to short to waste your time

Confidence is not walking into a room thinking your are better than everyone else, it is walking into a room not having to compare yourself at all, you are simply you.

Confidence doesn't come when you have all the answers, but it comes when you are ready to face all the questions, so I am told. The more you stick to your decisions in life the less you need approval from others.

Always believe you are good enough to shine. Never allow anyone to put that light out inside yourself.

Have confidence to take a risk, take a chance, make a change and break away. Become your own person.

    "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent" by Eleanor Roosevelt




For those of us that have shared with another person their deepest and personal thoughts and feelings have truly learned how to trust others. The first step in trusting others is to learn how to trust yourself, know yourself and believe in yourself. To be able to openly discuss your inner feelings and thoughts with someone means you have established a trust with that person.

To trust someone whole heartedly is a step that some of us must work on. If any of you are like me, I don't trust easily, so when I tell you that I trust you, I hope you don't make me regret it.

Without building trust with someone, you will always travel your life alone. Not trusting people will leave you in an isolated frame of mind.

The true meaning of trust is: a firm belief in the reliability, truth or strengths of someone or something.

We as humans beings were not put here to accomplish things alone. When you share your troubles with someone it may help you move forward and begin to trust people.

To trust someone is allowing yourself to open up and be relax with that person you are confiding in. To be able to express your feelings honestly is one way to establish trust with that individual and call them a friend.

The trust that someone else gives you should never be taken for granted and your trust should always be valued.

Trust takes years to build, second to break and forever to repair. Forgiving someone isn't the hard part it's trusting them again.

Trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake.


"The thought of trusting one's SELF can evoke many feelings and emotions, primary among them, FEAR." -Jim Phillips



We are all born and delivered into this world the same way. We are born to different parents, in a different culture and at different times. All of this makes us different and diverse.

But there is one part of that diversity that some of us have learned, that is HATRED.

Such a small word with so much impact. We as people will never ever be on the same wave link, because we are different. And because we are different there are a few that just seem to hate us for that.

We should not allow those differences to tear us apart, just because I don't look like you, think like you, act like you. We should bring it together and grow and learn from each other. We might not agree with everything people do, but we should respect the values of others.

We as people have to join together and continue to move forward in times of upset. Don't allow any one to build a wall around you, forcing you to stay where you are and not grow,

Hate is an emotion that runs deep and dark. We need to shine a light on who we are and not judge others for whom they are. There is a lot of good in this world and that is what we need, to be able step up to the plate and eat hate up.  

Take the time to look inside yourself to see if you are honest with your feelings toward others. How do you really fell toward people who don't look like you? who don't speak like you? Who doesn't have the same beliefs as you? This is where it starts, with you.

STOP! open your mind to diversity, LOOK! what we need to change, LISTEN! be open minded to other's differences. We can all live life with our differences, if we are willing to stop the HATRED.

"Trust is the GLUE of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships."  - Stephen Covey


Need vs Want..

These are two words which are similar in nature, but they have different meanings. WANT meaning to have a desire to possess something and NEED meaning to require something because it is essential to live.

The difference between WANT and NEED besides the meaning is self control.

We have all made decisions in our life about things you wanted, but the question is did you really need it? Did it make you happy? Did it make you more money? Did it fulfill your wants and needs or did it just leave you empty?

Everything you WANT is on the other side of fear, in order to achieve what you WANT you will NEED to get past the fear. Once you have completed this step everything you NEED will come to you at the perfect time.

Never let the things you WANT make you forget the things you have.

Don't feel bad if people remember you only when they NEED you. Feel privileged that you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness.

You will begin to realized that the only people you NEED in your life are the ones who needs you in theirs, even when you have nothing else to offer but yourself.

Sometimes you NEED someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything or to do anything in particular, but just to let you feel cared for and supported.

Happiness isn't about getting what you WANT all the time. It's about loving what you have and being grateful for it.

One of your goals in life should be to create a life that you don't always NEED a vacation from.

"The first step to getting the things you WANT out of life is this: Decide what you NEED." Ben Stein













CHANGE is a word that frightens most of us. We all go through changes in life, some can be good and/or bad. Still changes take you in a different direction that allows you to grow and become stronger. A new direction is always scary because it is unknown territory and unpredictable events which will shape your future.

When you share your journey with someone they help you when you stumble. That person motivates you to continue moving forward. Most of your changes in life are done alone. Trying to figure out what turns to make, what steps to take. We won't always make the right steps but the trick is to make small steps to create a large change in your life.

Falling is part of moving forward when there are changes in one's life. You may get bruised and scrape knees but through the struggle of change one will become stronger. Don't allow naysayers to interrupt the direction you are headed in.

Making changes in your life is hard enough without having others block your steps. They can either be a bridge to help you go forward or quicksand to pull you down. Know where you are stepping. Say goodbye to the anchors of your life and then you will be able to move freely in the direction you are suppose to go. Don't live your life for others.

Moving forward is excepting the changes and embracing the next phase of your life. 

Change begins on the inside, you must want to change in order to improve on the direction you are suppose to go. Some changes must occur in order for you to grow. One must believe that they can grow and that growth will happen.

Fear comes with all new changes you take, don't be afraid to live, love, grow and be happy.


             "Be the change you wish to see in the world...."gandhi



Life Matters!!

This is another sad day for our country. Another senseless shooting of  black and white individuals.

When are we going to stop and realized that lives matter, black, white, yellow or brown. No one should have their life taken away because of the color or their skin.

We as people need to realized that no matter what color your skin is people are and always will be HUMAN BEINGS.

We all bleed red; we all are created in the same fashion; we all have feeling and emotions and we all suffer the same pain when we lose a love one.

All this hatred that is making us afraid of each other must come to an end. If it doesn't we will all feel more divided then ever.

We don't want to live our life in fear, wondering if we get stopped for anything do we have to think about what is more important; our rights or our life.

We need to stop being afraid of each other because we are different on the outside. We all bleed the same and we all die the same.

As we move forward, we must, in our life let's just try and show our children that every life matters, no matter what skin color people are. 

" The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world." author Paul Farmer




The Gift.....

We are all born with special gifts. Some of us know what they are and others haven't even tapped into it yet.

A gift that you share with other human beings without you really knowing is a blessing.

The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give time to others you are giving a portion of yourself that you will never get back but will always be remembered. You are sharing the most inner workings of the human emotions.

The way you discover your gift is really by serving it (sharing) not by searching (looking) for it. Once you discover your gift it should be shared freely with others, no string attached.

Some of us go through our life never realizing how much we touch other lives, until someone says thank you for making me smile, thank you for helping me out, thank you for just being there. That is a gift you extended to someone which made their day with little effect from you.

Once you discover your gift just keep sharing it and allow it to grow. A gift not shared is just an unopened present.

"Do Not ignore your gifts, Your gift is the thing you do the absolute BEST with and it takes the LEAST amount of effort." by Steve Harvey




We all know the word failure and some of us have learned how to grow from our failures. We are told to work hard and you will succeed, this is true. But, because you work hard doesn't mean you won't fail.

Failure is success if you learn from it. It gives you the opportunity to begin again more wisely. 

Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success.

Failure is a part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn. If you don't learn you'll never change. Failure pushes you one step forward toward your dream. Don't let failure DEFINEYOU! 

Lot's of people want to shake your hand when you are successful, but what you really need is someone who will take your hand and comfort you when you fail. Someone to be there just to let you know failure is not FINAL.

Giving up on yourself is failing. Failure is a lesson learned. Success is a lesson that will be applied to your life. Sometimes in life you fall hard, but the harder you fall the stronger you rise.

Failure is life's feedback, Learn from it, Grow from it and never be afraid to restart your dream. The only true failure is when you stop trying.

Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.

" Don't worry about failure, worry about the chances you missed when you didn't even try." Jack Canfield












Being Human.....

We all entered into this world the same way. No one gets sculpted in a garage to become a human being. Humans are born to love and be loved.

We all passed through the birth canal and was pushed into this world. Not as something different but as a human being. We were born with two legs, two arms, one head and one brain. That one brain is unique to everyone.

We grow up and are free to form ourselves into anything we want. The mind is the only thing on the body that thinks independently.

Our mind controls who we are and what we are to become. Everyone has an opinion, but other's opinion should not be forced on someone else.

The facts are that we grow and develop into the great human beings that we should be, we are all different. Our growth and ideas have nothing to do with what the world wants of you, but what makes you the person you are suppose to be.

Little by little we human beings are confronted with situations that gives us more and more clues that we aren't perfect.

As human beings some of us have lost the connection with our human and loving side. The compassion side that makes us all human. The side that makes one stop and think before they take a life. We need to stop the senseless killing of human beings.

One day being human will count for something, just like some of our opinions. 

" We do not become humans just by thinking, reasoning, feeling, choosing, or even by just doing something. We become humans...by being." author Victorino Q. Abrugar







What is your Worth?

In order to figure out your worth you need to know what your value is.

In order to know your value you must understand the word and it's meaning to you. A persons' value is "what is important to them in their life." Not what is important to someone else, but what is going to make you feel good about yourself.

People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one they value. The truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too.

If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone, you have already forgotten your value. Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.

If a person can't add value to your life then their absence will make no difference. Value the people who love, respect and trust you the most and forget about the negative, toxic people who don't deserve you.

When you learn how much you're worth, you'll stop giving people discounts into your life.

Make sure people except you the way you are. Be yourself; because an original is worth more than a copy.

It is better to have one friend of great value; than many friends who were good for nothing.

" If you want to achieve great things in life, you must first start with belief in yourself " author Jim Smith




Actions Speak Louder......

You may have notice that people may not always tell you how they feel about you but they will always show you.

When you really pay attention to people, you will see how their actions toward you reveals how they truly feel about you, their actions will be more honest than words.                                   

Don't waste your time on someone who won't give you theirs time. When people show you who they are believe them.

A person's actions does speak louder than words and promises mean nothing with out proof.

Actions show you who someone really is. Words show you who they pretend to be.

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by theirs words.

Don't talk, just act. Don't say, just show. Don't promise, just prove. Words may lie, BUT actions will show you the truth.

Believe what you see not what you always hear.


"A dog is not consider a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker." - Buddha-



Life Strengths

When something bad happens in your life you can either let it define you, let it destroy you or it can strengthen you.

If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you get. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

We are constantly being told to "STAY STRONG" but it's okay not to be strong all the time. It's okay to breakdown and have moments of regrets and concerns. Just do the best you can and remember that it's okay to fall as long as you get back up.

Falling down isn't shameful, it's when you fall down and remain down that brings disappointment. When you fall down it just makes you stronger and gives you a better outlook on your life. When you are down It gives you the time to look back and recap where you came from. It also allows you to take the time and look ahead to the future. Things look dark at the bottom, but as you stand up it gets brighter.

Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself. In the end, some of your greatest pain becomes your greatest strength.

When you find yourself cocooned in isolations and cannot find your way out of the darkness, remember that this is similar to the place where caterpillars go to grow their wings.

Strength isn't just about how much you can handle before you break, it's how much you handle after you are broken.

Forget what hurt you in life but NEVER forget what it taught you.

             "If you live for people's acceptance you'll die from their rejection" author LECRAE






Life is Short.....

We don't realize our mortality until someone we know dies suddenly without any warning. We then begin to think about life's nuisances and all the time we wasted on nonsense things.

When was the last time you told someone how you felt? Is it something you keep putting off until tomorrow? When was the last time you apologized for that disagreement you had months ago? And you realized it was trivial.

We as people always believe that we have tomorrow, sorry to say we don't. Don't keep putting those unsaid words on hold.

Would you rather carry those missed spoken words around being mad and refusing to say you're sorry- because of your pride? If you are anger with someone apologize.  You will only have a moment of beinguncomfortable, not a lifetime of regret.

Life is full of disappointments that we have no control over. Make sure you leave a little piece of yourself with everyone you care for, because tomorrow might not come. If you have feelings for someone don't be afraid to let them know. Don't let the good things you wanted to say to them be taken to the grave. Once you are gone everything you wish to say to those individuals won't matter. That would be a shame for those individuals not to experience the love and gratefulness you wanted to share with them.

Life is too short to stress yourself over people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life. We all need that one friend, not a bunch of friends just one, who will stay with you through the dark and cold times. That friend whose love and loyalty you can always count on. Do you think you could be that friend in their time of need?

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't. And believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance - TAKE IT, If it changes you - LET IT.

"life is short, time is fast, no replay, no rewind. So enjoy every moment as it comes." - unknown-


'I had my own idea of grief. I thought it was the sad time that followed the death of someone you love and you had to push through it to get to the other side. I am learning that there is no other side. There is no pushing through anything, but rather, an absorption. Adjustment and acceptance. Grief is not something you complete, but rather endure. Grief is not a task to finish and move on, but an element of yourself."




Discover Yourself..

Most of us believe we know who we are. When was the last time you stopped and reviewed the person you have become? It takes forever to find yourself but it only takes seconds to forget who you are. 

The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest is being happy with what you find. Do not be afraid of trying something new, it can help you to know more about who you are.

Should you ever find yourself the victim of other peoples bitterness or insecurities, remember things could be worse.. you could be them.

Before you can be anything, you have to be yourself first. You must find happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy within yourself chances are you won't be happy anywhere. Happiness can be found in the darkest of times; you just have to remember how to turn on the light.

Find time everyday to set aside some alone time. In order to remember who you are, you will need to forget what others have told you to be. In life there are some people you're going to have to lose in order to find out who you are. The world will tell you who you are until you tell the world.

"I AM" are two of the most powerful words in the universe; it is what you put after those words that will shapes your reality. There are only a few things in life that truly belongs to us; who you are, who you were, and who you want to be.

If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth to someone; you have already forgotten your value.

"Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it's dark." - Zen proverb



Rising Up! PART 2

Everyone of us have fallen down in our lifetime, from some of the heavy responsibilities we have to deal with throughout our life. The trick of surviving  is not how many times you fall down but how many time you get up. What defines you as a person is how well you rise up after that fall. 

There are things in our life that happens unexpectedly which most of us are not prepare for.  Sometimes it happens slowly and we just keep adjusting to it until we find ourselves in a situation that has become unknown to us. Now you wonder how you are going to fulfill your life dreams, live your life, unaware how to handle the circumstances you have now adjusted into.

Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about. That should be your dreams and ambition no matter what happens in your lifetime. Never let life dull your "SPARKLE."

Never apologize and make excuses for having high standard. People who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet you.

Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be re-born and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of yourself. Rock bottom is a beautiful place to start.

Sometimes in life you might have to walk alone just to know that you can, and from the darkness you will be able to rise up and be the best you can be because the world is waiting for the new and improved you.

Those people that talk down to you are just trying to walk tall by making you feel small. RISE ABOVE the chatter.

Think of yourself as a flower in this universe and every flower must grow through dirt. Your best fertilizer in life is your last mistake. Grow and be the most beautiful flower in your life.

Don't carry your mistakes around with you. Instead place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them and move forward.

" The greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail." -Ralph Wald Emerson




Letting go of the Baggage

As human beings we sometimes have trouble letting go of the obvious. Not realizing that one of the simplest ways to be happy is letting go of the things or person that makes us unhappy.

We need to give ourselves permission to feel anger, pain and/or resentment, then we need to let it go -  with love. At some point we must realize that some people can stay in our heart but not in our life.

  • How do we say good-bye to someone we never had?
  • Why do we shed tears for someone we were never with?
  • Why do we love someone whose love was never ours?

One of the happiest moments ever is when we find the courage to let go of what we can't change. Some people come into our life for the sole purpose of teaching us how to let go.

The only thing harder than letting go is moving on. We need to have confidence in ourselves in order to make a new start.

We don't always need a plan. Sometimes we just need to breathe, trust our instincts and let go.

"Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are part of our history but not part of our destiny." author Steve Maraboli