Waiting for Tomorrow...

Yesterday has come and gone and whatever occurred can't be changed, it now becomes a memory. Tomorrow is unknown to all of us and we haven't a clue of what could possible happen . So, make today matter!

We all look forward to Fridays, for summer, for someone to lo fall in love with, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it, make the most of the moments you are now in.

if you have something to say to someone say it before you run out of time. As I have said many times before; tomorrow isn't promised to anyone and something good will be left unsaid.

Today will never come again. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take the time to care. Don't wait to start living.

" The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it's finally arrives, it is called    today" Jim Rohn







Life's Challenges...

Throughout your life I am sure that you have come across challenges that you needed to overcome or conquer.

Sometimes these challenges look so big that it may overwhelm our sense of balance, which may have you believe that there is no way you could get through this challenge. These challenges can make you feel weighed down and heavy.

The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest is being happy with what you find. Life isn't about just finding yourself it's about creating yourself.

Just because no one gives you credit or praise for your best works, don't allow that to stop you from doing your best.

We must continually remind ourselves that running away from any problem only makes the solutions further away. The easiest way to escape from a problem is to solve it.

a difficult road often leads to a beautiful destination. Stay positive in your journey.

Not every challenge has to be fought or conquer alone. Every hand offered is not a hand out but a hand up. Don't be afraid to hold on.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.'  By Helen Keller



The Gift!

Everyone is born with a special talent, this talent is called a "GIFTS." In that gift we have different strengths that allows us to be mighty.

So many of us have great gifts that could be helping someone smile, because that person is depress. Giving love to someone that needs a hug or just being there for someone you care for.

These gifts are within all of us, but some of us have not experienced our own greatness yet. The gift that you were born with should be shared once you discover what it is. Whether it is yours or a gift you received from someone else, it should not be taken for granted.

Have you ever made someone's day? or Has anyone ever thanked you for saying something inspiring to them? These are gifts that you should stop and acknowledge are yours and how important sharing these gifts with others are.

Your gift is yours to give, share what makes YOU happy. Your gift should be given as you would give a present to another, without any expectations.

Find your gift, express your gift, share it with others and discover your greatest reward: HAPPINESS!

Sharing that gift is such a powerful emotions and everyone should experience your greatness.


"The greatest gift in life is friendship and I have received it." - Huber H. Humphey




Expectation vs Reality

Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen in the future. Reality is the true situations that exist now.

Throughout our life there are certain expectations that we all grow up with from parents and friends. Parents expect us to grow up and become productive adults, friends expect us to be outgoing and fun. If we fulfill their expectations you are wonderful, if not you have failed them.

Let us be real! setting expectation for others is a recipe for disappointment. Setting expectation for yourself becomes your goal to fulfill. The distant between your dreams and reality is called ACTIONS. Taking actions toward what you want to change in your life is your reality.

It's not reality that shapes us, but how we view the world that shapes our reality.

We as humans expect a lot from each other and that's because we are willing to do so much for others. We should not worry about meeting others expectations, but focus on meeting our own.

It's such a mistake to set high expectations for other who have already let you down. Too much expectations leads to sadness.

Expect nothing and appreciate everything that comes your way, good, bad or indifferent. Everything happens in life for a reason.

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experience." - Soren Kieregaurd

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

Time Is something that waits for no one. As we enter into a new year we are already in the middle of the month, before you know it Christmas will be here again.

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.

Time passes so quickly that meaningless friendships, force interactions, or unnecessary conversations are a waste of time. It's not about having time, it's about making time.

There are things in life you cannot recover, such as; the WORD after it's spoken, the MOMENT after it's missed and theTIME after it's gone.

The best gift you could ever give someone is your time, because you're giving something that you'll never get back and that makes your time precious.

There comes a time in life when you make a choose to turn the page or just close the book completely. Life has a large library, find a new book. 

Never allow waiting to become a habit, live your dreams and grow your goals. Life is happening now.

" There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important things." by Brian Tracy



Moving Forward...

The New Year has begun and my questions for you are, have you written your goals? Have you figured out what new steps you will be taken in 2016?

The key is to make decisions that will allow you to grow and move forward in your life. Move out of the pass, which should have been a lesson learned. Into the present, which is a gift. Begin thinking of your future, which will be your motivation.

Let go of things that can no longer be fixed. Holding on is being brave, but moving on is what makes you strong.

Usually what holds us back is emotions for others. If that person that you care for doesn't appreciate your presence then let them appreciate your absence. Move forward and leave disappointment behind.

Don't waste your time looking back on what you don't have, move on, because life is not meant to be traveled backward. Memories take you back, dreams will takes you forward.

Your destiny is not determined by the number of times you fall, but by the number of times you rise up, dust yourself off and move forward.

"If you're strong enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello" by Paulo Coelho


A New Year!

As we head toward a New Year this week it is a good time to sit and remember things that occurred in 2015. What changes can be made in 2016 to improve yourself?

Remember your past, so you can make peace with it, so your past doesn't spoil your present.

Remember that what other's think of you is none of your business.

Remember times heals almost everything, give the time, some time.

Remember no one is responsible for your happiness, except you. If it didn't bring you joy, just leave it behind.

 Sometimes it feels like there are so many things in this world that we can't control. Earthquakes, floods, tornados or the emotions of others. But it's important to remember the things that we do have control of. Like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts. Because the one thing that changes the world from a "LONELY" place to a beautiful place is "LOVE". Love in any form gives us hope.

The New Year is a new beginning. A blank page of your life for you to start new dreams, new goals, new directions and new relationships. Take a chance to grow your life.

"the book is called opportunity and it's first chapter is New Years 's Day." Edith Lovejoy Pierce



The Christmas Gift!

As we approach CHRISTMAS day, with all the running around trying to find that perfect gift, I want you all to remember what CHRISTMAS is really about.

It is not the gifts that money buys, but the love and sharing that we give to each other. Sharing your feelings and dreams with friends and family is a gift that can't be bought. Sharing laughter not tears, love not hate, smiles not frowns is something to keep for life.

Love at Christmas is the gift that should be shared freely, without any strings attached, with no expectations, just because it makes you feel good.

That special gift is not found at any store, that gift is you. The gift is sharing yourself, with a phone call, dropping someone an email or card, just to let them know you care. That is the most expensive gift you can give.

It can't be bought and it can't be taken, it is something that only you can give, that's what makes it special.

So, as the most giving holiday approaches, lets make sure we have more than just presents to give, lets share this moment in time.

I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday and remember to share the gift of you with family and friend.

"I will honor CHRISTMAS in my heart, and try to keep it all the year" writer Charles Dickens




Take Time to Care

As we head into another season of sharing and giving, we need to remember to care about one another, not just for the month of December but all year long.

When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change how you feel about them. That's because it's the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares. Remember that when someone upsets you.

Don't pretend that you care, love without conditions, talk without intention, give without reason and care without expectation. This is the heart of a true friend.

To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care and be yourself.

Today will never come again. Be a BLESSING, be a FRIEND, ENCOURAGE someone today.

" Love is the only flower that grows and blossom without the aid of the seasons" by Kahlil Gibran






Pay Attention!

These two words are very important to us as humans, they are how we stay attached to each others or not. We get busy with our life and seem to over look things and people that are around us. We have people in our life that will offer you a helping hand and people in our life that  just take, PAY ATTENTION.

People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but their actions will always show you how they feel, PAY ATTENTION. When you really pay attention, everything is your teacher. A lessons in life to know is, when a person gets ignore you are teaching them to live without you.

It's sweet when someone knows every single detail about you, not because you constantly remain them but because they paid attention. A person's actions show you what their words won't, PAY ATTENTION.

When a friend shows CONCERN about you-they care about you, when a friend is MAD at you- they believe in you because they knew you could do better, when a friend is ASKING QUESTIONS- they are trying to get clarity, when a friend gets quiet and leaves thing as they are they could be losing devotion for you. When a friend is no longer concern, mad or asking questions, just know you have lost a good friend, PAY ATTENTION.

If a person wants to be part of your life, they will make an effect to do so. Think before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay, PAY ATTENTION to people in your life. Life is full of details.

Paying attention to certain phases are very important. What's being said could be telling you something different. For instance: "Just Kidding", "I don't Know", "I don't Care", "It's OK" could mean just the opposite, PAY ATTENTION.

Be thankful for the bad things in life, it opens your eyes to good things you weren't paying attention to, before.

                       "PAY ATTENTION, it's free" by Dennis J. Martin




















Being Thankful

This is the week to celebrate "Thanksgiving Day", the day to give thanks for everything you have acquired up to this point.

We need to be thankful for our own achievements in life. I am not talking about material things in life, things that money can buy, but what you have shared and given others. Everyday we should share some kindness with others, make someone laugh or just be there to give someone a helping hand.

Give thanks for each new morning, for rest and shelter of the night, for health and food, for love and friends, for everything. The joy and kindness from you should be what others are thankful for.

Everyday isn't going to be a happy and joyful day, but don't allow events that happen in your life stop you from being thankful for your life. Don't take thing for granted because time isn't promised to any of us. Be thankful for every moment that you get and enjoy the time you are in now. 

Always be thankful for the life you have and treat it as a gift, today and always. 

One of the best gifts you can give someone is the gift of thanking them for being a part of your life, even if it isn't forever.

Let's us take the time this week and going forward to say thank you just because you are able to.

"Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude." writer E.P. Powell





Get Over It!

We live in a society that moves so quickly you really don't have the time to get upset and stay there; time will past you by. Sometime you just have to move forward and just "Get Over It.".

Get over a struggle in your life is taking the power out of it. You can't change what has already happened, so don't waste your time thinking about it. Move on, Let go, and "Get Over It."

One of the hardest part of life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder. If after you have tried harder and you get the same results than just walk away.

 When your struggles in life gets difficult just keep pushing forward. It's just one chapter in your life. But don't close the book just continue to read. You can't live a positive life with a negative mind, "Get Over It."

If someone is in your life today that adds no value than their absence should make no difference.


"Holding on is believing that there's only a past, letting go is knowing that there's a future" -Daphne Rose Kingma

ups and Downs of Life

We all have our "ups and downs" in our lifetime. We must remember that the changes that occur in our life are helping to mold us into a better and stronger person.

We all have down periods in life, unhappiness, disappointments, hurtful surprise, but those "ups" that we encounter is meant to help us through the down times. Rock bottom becomes a SOLID foundation on which you rebuilt your life.

The "ups" in life is to help us cope with those undesirables events that occur in our life. To be happy and free of angry helps us to deal with those mishaps. Those "up" times should be stored in our hearts, so that we will be able to pull them out to balance the "down" times.

The saying doesn't say "downs and ups", it states "ups and downs", the strength comes from the "ups" you build to support you through those disappointing times.

As long as we are alive there will be someone or something that will disappoint you, but you should have stored up enough of your strength from the good times to survive these challenging times. Someone's bad "ACTIONS" should not make your "REACTION" negatively.

Take your "ups and downs" in life and use them as many stepping stones to move forward. By putting all your "ups" together will create a stronger you, makes you happier and well balance. Just make sure you hang on to the "ups" in life and learn from "downs", the only one that has that power to make you happy is yourself.

"Ups and downs" in life are used to balance out life's adventures, because in life everything can't be always good. It might look like the world is falling apart but keep stepping forward, it might be slow and hurt as you go through it, but if you keep walking forward you will walk into your "UP" again.

Riding life's roller coaster comes with it "ups and downs", but it's your CHOICE to scream or to enjoy the ride.  

Through life's "ups and downs" we must remember that the only one that has the power to controls your outlook in life is you. 

" Believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. People CHANGE so that you can LEARN to let go. Things go WRONG so that you appreciate them when they're RIGHT. You believe LIES so you EVENTUALLY LEARN to trust no one but YOURSELF. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can FALL TOGETHER." - Marilyn Monroe




The Core of Friendship


Friendship means understanding, NOT always agreeing. It means forgiveness, NOT forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost. A friendship doesn't need daily conversation, doesn't always need togetherness, as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part. 

Being a friend should not be one sided, it is helping each other to laugh, grow, support,live and love each other no matter what. You both respect each other with all your faults, friends share a special heart.

Friends do have their ups and downs too, but together you both can weather the storm and come out stronger. There is no better feeling than knowing someone cares and respects you as much you care and respect yourself.

Unexpected friendships are the best ones, every person needs a best friend to help them laugh when they think they will never smile again.

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. In life we never lose friends, we only learn who the true ones are.

The actions of F.R.I.E.N.D.S:

                                     F-ights for you

                                     R-espects you

                                     I-ncludes you

                                     E-ncourages you

                                     N-eeds you

                                     D-eserves you

                                     S-tands by you


Life's journey is easier when you hear a friend's footsteps beside you, traveling the road together makes it easier to walk it. A best friend is hard to find but lucky to have. When you meet these people they make you laugh, give you hope, give you strength and they make you realize that there is so much more to life. When you deal with these type of people you forget how empty you felt before, that is a true friendship.

Remember, you don't need to have a lot of people who call themselves your friend, you just need to have "TRUE" people that can become "REAL" friends. It's not the quantity of friends you have, it is the quality of friends you have.

I hope you all get to experience great friendships in your lifetime, it will keep you smiling. Never under estimate the power you have as a friend.


"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did and who always will" author unknown




Learning to F.L.Y.

Before we fly we must make certain that we know the steps in life we need to take. Here are just a few of them: we need to make positive affirmation everyday; trust yourself; forgive yourself; be truthful to yourself; nurture after your dreams; boost your confidence; admire the beauty; fall in love with yourself; have fun. Sometimes the person you need to LOVE is yourself.

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy.

Loving yourself first shows you what you deserve from others, you have to find yourself first before someone else can find you.

If you don't learn to love yourself first you'll always be chasing after people who don't love you either. How many tears does it take before you realize that it is not people that makes you happy but the love for yourself that keeps you happy.

Learn to love yourself first, instead of loving the idea of others loving you. Happiness means loving yourself first so you can share that love with someone else.

The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. Don't let someone else define who you are.

            "If you want to SOAR in life, than you must first learn to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)" author Mark Sterling



Talk to Me!

So many of us have lost the ability to talk to one another, share our feelings orally instead of in writing.

We have learned to text and email which is a quick and easy way to talk to each other, things today move to fast. Text or email can be missed understood, depending on how the reader interprets the message.

Talking to each other has become an art of communication, something learned and in need of practice. Sending email/texts is great if you wish to get your message delivered non emotionally quickly.  

When we talk to one another you enjoy the sound of laughter back and forth, feeling the emotions of the day, happiness, sadness, disappointment, something that could well be covered up with words.

Our communications skills have become so technical and non- emotional. Social Media has made it easier to stay in touch every minute of the day but has taken out the human emotion of listening.

Don't know about you, but I enjoy hearing the excitement in people's voice about their vacation, their disappointments, just the ups and downs of their life and be able to ease their unhappiness with a word or a phrase, that is what it is all about.

By talking with someone you may be able to offer them some peace of mind, a friendship, a comfort spot instantly. 

One day the world will be a quiet place to live. We all know how to LOL and LMAO, let us just learn to talk to each other more.

Talk to me (TTM) because you are lonely, scared, hurt or you just to laugh,cry together.

"Let our hearts be opened by voices and not closed by words on a paper" author gsj coaching



We all go through some emotional ups and downs in our life. The magic word here is "THROUGH".

Some of us get very emotional when others disappoint us and we seem to stay there, all upset about a situation that happened. It has happened and we need to move through it. Don't allow an emotional upset to rain on your parade.

We should never let our emotions overpower our intelligence.

Emotions like love, surprises, happiness, thoughtfulness are just a few feelings we wish to keep. But hate, hurt, and disappointments are just some emotions we must learn to get through.

Emotions are like waves, you cannot stop them from coming, but you can decide which wave to surf.

 When a person that made you feel special yesterday makes you feel unwanted today, can really hurt your feelings. You need to learn to move through the hurt. Don't make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.

We might control our thoughts, but we are still slaves to our emotions. Emotions are energy in motion (Peter McMilliams). 

For some of us we put up walls in our life, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock the wall down. Sometimes that wall never gets touched and remains there for a lifetime.

Stop isolating yourself because of emotions and letting them control your life. Life happens!

Live your life and enjoy all aspects of it ,taking the good with the bad, because the next day isn't promised to us.

"You must be the master of you emotions if you wish to LIVE IN PEACE, for he who can control himself, becomes FREEauthor Sean Brown



Editing Anger....

Anger is a human emotion of displeasure or hostility.  We all get anger in our life for something or another. Someone is late for dinner, someone is taking advantage of your good nature, someone has lied to you.

We can't allow anger to overshadow the good things in life. Throughout life we will discover that life doesn't promise us happiness, life itself is a variety package that is never wrapped up with a bow.

We get anger with things because it is easier to say you are mad than admitting you are hurt. It is just a way to release our hurt feelings.

Even the nicest person have their limits and when someone pushes you to those limits you will get angry, that is just a human reaction. When we get angry we are not thinking or making the best decision.

Sometime we must just take a step back and re-focus our thoughts. Don't ever act out of anger, because when you look back you will have regrets.

Don't live your life with anger and hate in your heart, you will only be hurting yourself more than the person you hate.

In the last couple of days I have learned that for every minute I was angry I gave up a minute of my happiness. I won't say that you will never get angry but when you do, realized that it should only be a passing emotion to something better.

"If you go through life angry you will endup with nothing but you and your anger" author Kenneth Waters Jr.




The Send Button of Life

I bet you didn't realize that you have a "SEND BUTTON" in life just like in texting. Yes, that button is spoken words instead of being writing words. Just like texting a message once you press that send button on your computer it is gone. The send button in life are words spoken. Once you've said it, you have sent the message. 

When you text and press that send button it can't be retracted, it can't be re-directed, it is now on it's way to be delivered. When you say something that shouldn't have been said, that is your send button, same as texting it can't be re-retracted.

 The difference between the two buttons are one is written and the other one is spoken. Neither one of them can be call back if something is said or written incorrectly.

Once something is spoken in anger, jealousy, hurt or love, you now have said it and it can't be changed. It has been delivered just like a text message.

When delivering words by text or verbally we need to make sure that what is written or said is formatted so that the person receiving it understands where you are coming from.

Remember through our words, written or spoken, is the way we communicate with each others.

Don't press that send button until you are sure that what you have said isn't going to break that connection with you or the other person.

The message below is something I can say or text with no worries:


                  " I smile whenever I get a text or call from you"


Make someone SMILE!!!!









Two important words that everyone should respect. Many of us have experienced times in our life when others have tried to change us to  fit into a specific mold.

Have you gone through a transformation of trying to be someone you are not, just to please others? At the same time have you notice how difficult it is to try and become someone you are not?

Trying to be what others want you to be will cause you to lose yourself. You are not perfect, none of us are, but that doesn't mean you can't be yourself. It doesn't mean you have to be a fake.

 If people don't like what they see, then they can just walk away. Your true friends will love you for who you are, not who they want you to be.

Somewhere in your life you MUST take root and stand strong, be who you are and not what someone else wants you to be.  Love yourself!!

You are a strong person, but every once in awhile you might want someone to take your hand and tell you that everything's going to be alright. That is OK, doesn't make you a weak person, it makes you human.

If people except you for the way you are that's good, if they don't it's their loss. Don't apologize for who you are.

The best feeling in the world is knowing your presence and absents means something to someone.

"I'd rather be hated for who I AM, than loved for who I AM not." author Jory Hancock