We all go through some emotional ups and downs in our life. The magic word here is "THROUGH".
Some of us get very emotional when others disappoint us and we seem to stay there, all upset about a situation that happened. It has happened and we need to move through it. Don't allow an emotional upset to rain on your parade.
We should never let our emotions overpower our intelligence.
Emotions like love, surprises, happiness, thoughtfulness are just a few feelings we wish to keep. But hate, hurt, and disappointments are just some emotions we must learn to get through.
Emotions are like waves, you cannot stop them from coming, but you can decide which wave to surf.
When a person that made you feel special yesterday makes you feel unwanted today, can really hurt your feelings. You need to learn to move through the hurt. Don't make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.
We might control our thoughts, but we are still slaves to our emotions. Emotions are energy in motion (Peter McMilliams).
For some of us we put up walls in our life, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock the wall down. Sometimes that wall never gets touched and remains there for a lifetime.
Stop isolating yourself because of emotions and letting them control your life. Life happens!
Live your life and enjoy all aspects of it ,taking the good with the bad, because the next day isn't promised to us.
"You must be the master of you emotions if you wish to LIVE IN PEACE, for he who can control himself, becomes FREE" author Sean Brown