So many of us have lost the ability to talk to one another, share our feelings orally instead of in writing.
We have learned to text and email which is a quick and easy way to talk to each other, things today move to fast. Text or email can be missed understood, depending on how the reader interprets the message.
Talking to each other has become an art of communication, something learned and in need of practice. Sending email/texts is great if you wish to get your message delivered non emotionally quickly.
When we talk to one another you enjoy the sound of laughter back and forth, feeling the emotions of the day, happiness, sadness, disappointment, something that could well be covered up with words.
Our communications skills have become so technical and non- emotional. Social Media has made it easier to stay in touch every minute of the day but has taken out the human emotion of listening.
Don't know about you, but I enjoy hearing the excitement in people's voice about their vacation, their disappointments, just the ups and downs of their life and be able to ease their unhappiness with a word or a phrase, that is what it is all about.
By talking with someone you may be able to offer them some peace of mind, a friendship, a comfort spot instantly.
One day the world will be a quiet place to live. We all know how to LOL and LMAO, let us just learn to talk to each other more.
Talk to me (TTM) because you are lonely, scared, hurt or you just to laugh,cry together.
"Let our hearts be opened by voices and not closed by words on a paper" author gsj coaching